The purpose of minor home modification and maintenance is to enhance the participants independence, improve their safety, upgrade accessibility and energy savings. Minor home repair is limited to those services that are not the legal or contractual responsibility of a landlord or homeowner other than the participant.
Homeowner or landlord must sign to authorize the repair/modification to the home or living quarters.
The Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging, Inc., reserves the right to decline funding of a project with consideration of the following but not limited to:
* Project does not fall within the scope of program objectives.
* Availability of money.
* Safety of staff while working on site.
* When total of TCCA money spent at same address exceeds limits or after 3 consecutive years of work at same address.
Repairs included in this service shall include but are not limitied to:
* Installation of devices to improve the participants ability to perform activities of the daily living standards.
* Minor interior and exterior modifications to improve accessiblity or mobility, such as ramps, doorways and windows.
* Repairs of furnaces or water heaters.
* Plumbing and electrical repair.
* Roofing and shingle repair.
* Repair or replacement of window/door screens or broken window panes.
* Installation of electrical fuses or breakers.
* Porch and step repair or replacement.
* Age 50 years and over.
* Live in Tuscarawas County.
* Service fee is determined by the Federal Poverty Guide Line.
* Repairs must be health or safety related, or experiencing a monetary loss.
The Senior Center will pay a portion of the total cost. This contribution is determined annualy. Expenses of the TCCS contribution are the responsibility of the client.
Contact: Marley Miller, 330-364-6611